UX in Automotive websites can have a major impact on how successful your business is. Auto dealerships who invest in good user experience generate higher rates of returning visitors, are perceived to be more trustworthy and almost always generate more leads - all qualities that are important when selling cars!
A recent study showed that bad website UX in Auto Dealer Websites can drastically effect sales. And the same study found that Dealer website UX was equally as important as Google Business Ratings when customers were deciding what dealerships to visit. Which is astounding given that Google claims 72% of consumers depended on reviews to decide whether or not to trust a business.
When looking to buy, Millennials consider slightly more vehicles on average than Baby Boomers. Millennials also usually take longer to decide what car to buy than Baby Boomers, an average of 16.9 vs 15.7 weeks.
If your customers are taking between 15 and 17 weeks to decide on a vehicle it stands to reason having a site people like to return to and enjoy browsing should be paramount.
Car buyers spend 59% of their time online researching. 46% use multiple devices while researching.
Most car buyers are undecided at the start of the shopping process. When they first begin to shop, 6 out of 10 them are open to considering multiple vehicle options. Their experience when visiting your dealership website can be the determining factor in deciding for or against buying your brand.
UX Also effects SEO and page ranking. The amount of time the consumer spends on your website is one of the highest rated factors Google uses in determining your relevance. Others include page load times and mobile usability.
The top five activities conducted online by car shoppers include researching car prices (71%), finding actual cars listed for sale (68%), comparing different models (64%), finding out what current car is worth (63%), and locating a dealer or getting dealer info (46%).